David Stern is stepping down

David Stern will be stepping down as NBA Commissioner effective February 1, 2014. He first took the job on the same day back in 1984. Stern will have presided over all things NBA for exactly 30 years when he retires.

During his tenure Stern has been criticized for policies he enacted such as a dress code for players, raising the age limit, two lockouts, defending officials with an iron fist, and the tainted sale and relocation of the Seattle Supersonics. Yet, the league and the influence of the NBA has spread across the globe under Stern. There are now leagues in springing up across the globe and NBA players are treated like superstars in China. Not only that, but the NBA had 32 international players among its playoff teams last season and the number of non American players in the league grows every year.

Stern leaves a mixed legacy but the end result is a better league, an expanded sport, and global recognition.

Adam Silver was selected to be the next Commissioner by the NBA Board of Governors.

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